Monday, January 10, 2011

A New Year and a new(ish) start

Life was busy in the library and computer lab over the break. The library now has a new floor, newly painted walls, and is gaining a 28 seater computer lab from the district, as a result of lobbying by Lisa Bishop, our Library Media Teacher. The computers will be c. 4 year old PCs running Windows and come with flat screens, which is a distinct improvement on the situation at the end of last year. We continue to dream of new Mac Labs and we will continue to work to get them, but for the moment, the open mouths of astonishment from teachers, children and parents alike when they first see the room show how much this development means to our school.

With the computers come office tables and chairs. Big thank yous are due to Corovan and Levi Strauss who donated the furniture, and in particular to the delivery man from Corovan who realised our school chairs wouldn't work with the new tables, and arranged the donation of 30 chairs on the spot. 

The computers that were in the library have now been moved into classrooms, so the advent of the new computer lab has had a positive influence not just on the library but also on the rest of the school. More on that later.

And of course we would still welcome donations of equipment or contributions towards the purchase of equipment. Any help you can give would be very gratefully received.

1 comment:

  1. Really cool! This is a great resource for the kids and a big thank you goes out to the parents and teachers, as well as contributors who worked on this.
